2200 Bland Road
1955-Under the ministry of Eugene May the church purchased the property at Lake Place as a new church location. The Lake Place property consisting of 3 acres , is considered the beauty spot of South Bluefield. During the 1957 evangelism program installed 103 new members.
1960-John O. Atkins was installed as minister and open house was held at Lake Place the site of our present church.
July 30,1978-marked the ground breaking for the Educational wing.
1979-The church sponsored a Vietnamese family. They lived in the garage apartment at June Turner's house. Bluefield Sanitarium purchased the church at 601 Bland Street for $50,000.
1980-David Cheverton was installed as minister.
1981-Lower Floor (Youth Education) of the educational building was finished.
October 1982-Second Floor (Adult Education) was completed.
1982-Homecoming honoring Timothys.
1986-Marshall Parvin installed as minister.
1990-Mike Cunningham installed as minister.
In 1991-we celebrated 100 years of service. Friday, Sept. 27, 1991; we had an all Church Dinner with worship following----Saturday the 28th a brunch in the morning and a cook-out in the evening prepared by Boy Scout Troop14 with worship following.---Sunday 29th, a special Centennial Worship Service and an all church banquet at Bluefield City Auditorium. Our Timothys were guest speakers. Bob Garner wrote our centennial hymn, "One Hundred Years of Witness". Pictures of all our ministers were presented to be hung in Educational Building. Our motto was: "100 years of witness for Christ--1881-1991".
On July 9, 2000-First Christian held a Sanctuary Window Dedication service. Fourteen beautiful windows were dedicated to the memory and in honor of many of our members and to the Glory of God. We are forever grateful to Becky Sowers, (one of ours}, for three years of hard labor in designing and assembling these beautiful stained glass windows.
2001-The year 2001 was an exciting year at First Christian Church. Many of our groups studied and applied to our church programs.
Dr. Richard Hamm's book 2020 Vision. We are a true community by reaching out to all our members in times of sickness and grief. Also sharing with them in their times of joy and accomplishments. We deepened our Christian Spirituality with times of solitude and prayer. New Bible Studies were begun. Sunday School attendance grew and new classes were started. Our youth and children's programs grew in number and in participation. In fulfilling our passion for justice we assisted in the flood relief for McDowell and Wyoming Counties. We also donated hats and mittens for the children in McDowell County. We have an on going food program for the Union Mission. Not so easily seen was the underlying spirit of commitment and dedication on the part of many members, especially the young adults who have come to the forefront in leadership. Because of the large number of their children and youth the future of First Christian Church looks bright.
2002-The highlight of 2002 was our decision to grant our minister a three months sabbatical. He returned refreshed, renewed and ready to inspire us to greater service. The church property improvements were a handicapped accessible wheel chair ramp from the bottom parking lot into the lower level and a ramp at the front of the church. In July, we honored our 90 and over members with a special lunch after church. Those present were: Georgia Calfee, Ann Chappell, Gladys Dixon, Hazel Meadows, [our 100 year old member], and Lois Underwood. Outside lighting for the sanctuary windows was installed and used for the Christmas Eve service. A new program based on Jan Linn's book,"The Jesus Connection", was begun. This program is a renewal program for individuals and the church. It is to help us achieve spiritually in a new and serious way.
2007-2013-Rev. Aaron Watkins served as Pastor of First Christian Church
2013 - Doug McDaniel installed as Pastor of First Christian Church
2013 - Bluefield Community Church installed Doug McDaniel as pastor and began having their contemporary and casual service at FCC at 9:00 am.
2014 - Darius Carper installed as Youth Minister
2014 - Sarah Neal installed as Youth Mentor
We look forward to creating present day history with great expectations and faith that God will do great things in First Christian Church.
North Mercer and Bedford Street
Prior to 1891-Dr. Chester Bullard, a traveling evangelist, baptized the Calfee family in Wythe County, VA. One was James Calfee, later ordained as a pastor in the Christian Church. Rev. Calfee ministered in Bluefield at the Old Antioch Church, and likely is the source of the "few scattered Disciples" found by James Johnson in 1891. 1891 M.B. Williamson, an Evangelist of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, came to Bluefield and held a tent meeting on the corner of Duhring and Tazewell Streets. James H. Johnson of Narrows, Virginia, attended this meeting and found a few scattered Disciples. At the close of the meeting he affected an organization of the Christian Church. Through the courtesy, of the Baptist people the Christian Church was permitted to use the Baptist building for services.
1893-the Lutheran Church (then on Monroe Street) was rented. The congregation met there for about ten months paying $5.00 a month for the use of the building. They later met in the public school building on Ramsey Street and the Y.M.C.A. on Bland Street. A lot was purchased on the corner of North Mercer and Bedford Streets. This lot was purchased from the Bluefield Water Works and Improvement Company for $250.00. On this property a church was erected and dedicated by Dr. W. M. Book.
1898-J. F. Stone was minister and between 1898 and 1901 membership grew to 341.
1899- The first offering for foreign missions was received.
1902-The building was enlarged under the Pastorate of W.W. Williamson.
From 1907 to 1912-W. S. Bullard was minister and he is buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery.
601 Bland Street
1914-Lot was purchased for church at 601 Bland Street. The building at 601 Bland street cost $60,000.
1921-Under the ministry of P.P. Hasselvander the building at 601 Bland Street was erected, and the cornerstone was installed. This building was dedicated on May 6, 1923. During 1922 Matoaka Christian Church was founded by Mrs. P.P. Hasselvander and Lois. The church has a long and active record of World Outreach. Mrs. Lois Russell (Lois Hasselvander daughter of P.P. Hasselvander) served in the Congo from 1924 to about 1958.
1926-1945-The pastorate of Dr. Ben Johnson was the longest and one of the most productive in the entire history of the church. Dr. Johnson led us through an exciting evangelistic time when church membership grew greatly. On October 3, 1926-the first homecoming was observed.
1931-Fellowship Hall was changed to Bethany Hall.
1934-The Lockhart Revival was held and over 600 people attended. Many young members went on to full time Christian ministry as "Timothys" of the church. And the mortgage on the Bland Street church was burned. 1938 Board voted to have church bulletins.